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篇名 一位先天性心臟病幼童餵食困難的護理經驗
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Nursing Experience of Feeding Difficulty in a Toddler with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
作者 謝宜娟陳秀倩陳紀雯
頁次 003-010
關鍵字 先天性心臟病生長遲滯餵食困難護理congenital heart diseasefailure to thrivefeeding difficultynursing
出刊日期 200406




Failure to thrive caused by malnutrition is one of the most common problems forchildren with congenital heart disease (CHD). In this process, their parents feel stressfuland helpless. This paper describes the nursing experience of feeding difficulty in a toddlerwith CHD. Data were collected by physical assessment, interview, observation, historytaking, and communicating with healthcare team members. After a holistic assessment,we found that this case had 2 nursing problems: 1) nutrition taking less than whosephysical need and 2) caregiver role strain. The nursing interventionwas provided to assistthis case and his family to deal with these problems. This paper could be a reference tocare for children with CHD.
