
臺北大學法學論叢 TSSCI

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篇名 企業併購中目標公司之董事責任
卷期 89
並列篇名 The Duties of the Directors in the Target Company in Takeovers and Mergers
作者 陳彥良
頁次 231-291
關鍵字 企業併購董事責任目標公司合意併購敵意併購Friendly takeoverHostile takeoverTender offerDuties of directorsMarket for corporateTakeover defenseTakeover targetTSSCI
出刊日期 201403


現今我們幾乎每日都會看到有關於企業倂購之報導,這也證明了現今商業社會中企業倂購之盛行,企業倂購時,因爲公司組織變動相對鉅大,或組織重組,或經營權變更。股份有限公司中,董事會制定倂購相關決策,董事會成員自應負擔適當之責任,除公司法中訂有董事處理公司事務之忠實及注意義務規範外,同時企業倂購法是規範企業倂購事項之專法,但是在該法當中有關於董事在企業倂購程序中應遵行之義務並未有一個完備而明確之規定,所以對於公司會有極大影響之董事倂購決策,若未沒有更週全之規範,實不利我國擬強化公司治理之目標,所以確有必要檢討我國法 制並參酌外國法制,以作爲董事做出相關倂購決策之基準。本文將以目標公司董事責任爲重心,並參酌德國之法制,分別針對目標公司董事所應負之一般董事責任以及企倂法等相關法令所規範之責任加以探討,再對於合 意倂購時目標公司董事的利益衝突,以及目標公司對於發動倂購之公司有無可能義務存在之討論。最後再對目標公司董事會有無董事會中立義務之存在,加以分析,並對我國之法制加以討論,期能建立一套能適合我國之國家需要之法制秩序。


Almost every day the papers report another merger, buyout, or joint venture. The phrase mergers and acquisitions refers to the aspect of corporate strategy, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling and combining of different companies that can aid, finance, or help a growing company in a given industry grow rapidly without having to create another business entity.
This study, first of all, is going to introduce and analyze the Duties of the directors of the target company for its original thought, principal goal and major content. Then this research will introduce the legal framework of the Germany Law and the problems in Taiwan. This study concludes by pointing out that Taiwan should find its own version of the legal System of the Duties of the directors in the target company in takeovers and mergers for its next generation.
