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篇名 量販店企業形象組成因素、顧客滿意和顧客忠誠之探討
卷期 46
並列篇名 How Does Corporate Image of Hypermarkets Influence Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty?
作者 莊素珍
頁次 079-102
關鍵字 量販店企業形象顧客滿意度口耳相傳價格不敏感Corporate imagecustomer satisfactionword of mouthprice ensibility
出刊日期 201207




The rapid economic growth in Taiwan increases people’s living standard and simultaneously changes their lifestyle and consumption behaviors. Most publics are too busy with their works in weekdays to buy groceries; they usually shop during weekends or their leisure time. Therefore, hypermarkets play an important role to meeting their requirements. The hypermarket not only offers a variety of selections, reasonable prices, ample environments, and spacious parking lots but also allow consumers to buy all they needs, wants, and desires at a time. It is a very suitable place for the whole family shopping together; thus, the emergence of the hypermarket has a tendency to gradually replace the traditional market. This research first tries to explore the ingredients composed of hypermarket corporate image, then examines the relationship between the image and customer satisfaction, and expects the image will generate customer loyalty (word of mouth, price insensibility, and purchase intention) which a consumer has towards the hypermarket. The results support all hypotheses. According to the theoretical foundation and the empirical analysis, we made the conclusions and suggestions, and offers managerial implications for decision makings and further studies.

