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篇名 影響大專畢業生就業力相關因素之探討─以醒吾技術學院為例
卷期 46
並列篇名 Investigating the Relating Factors of Graduates Employability.
作者 游鴻裕林英俊楊灌園
頁次 242-255
關鍵字 畢業生在校學習就業力graduateslearning in schoolemployability
出刊日期 201207


本研究以醒吾技術學院畢業生為研究對象,以問卷調查方式收集相關資料,並藉由統計方式加以分析影響學生就業力之相關因素。本研究共發放425 份問卷,經回收統整有效問卷共有400 份,分析結果顯示:(1)有3 成的學生會利用或參加學校就業輔導單位提供的職涯規劃與諮商活動,仍有7 成學生未充分利用校內就業輔導資源;(2)擁有3 張(含以上)的畢業生,其就業力顯著高於僅擁有1 張的畢業生;(3)愈是高度參與校內社團活動的畢業生比偶而參與及從未參與的畢業生在就業力上更具優勢;(4)多數畢業生認為若要進入公營事業單位,在校的專業知識訓練顯然不夠。統計檢定結果也證實專業知識對就業力有顯著影響;(5)民營企業單位比較會要求畢業生的工作態度,較不在意畢業生的在校所學經驗,亦即民營企業單位喜歡錄用沒有任何工作經驗的畢業新鮮人;(6)多數畢業生認為若要進入公營事業單位,在校的就業力訓練顯然不夠,另外在領導創新訓練也嫌不足,所以在學工作經驗對進入公營事業單位是有正面助力。統計檢定結果也證實領導創新對就業力有顯著影響。


In this study, we use a survey to collect relevant information and by statistical methods to analyze the relating factors affect graduates employability. The results show that the first, about 30% of the graduates will use or participate in school career counseling units or activities; second, graduates with three licenses; its employability were significantly higher than that only has one license; third, the more higher participation in school activities more competitive than graduates have never been involved; fourth, the statistical test results also confirmed that the professional knowledge of the employability have a significant effect; fifth, the private enterprise companies like to hire social fresher; sixth, graduates’ experience in school work will increase a positive power to enter the government agencies.

