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篇名 我國實施不在籍投票制度之可行性研究
卷期 49
並列篇名 Studies on the Feasibility of the Absentee Voting System in Taiwan
作者 楊惟任
頁次 85-108
關鍵字 不在籍投票通訊投票移轉投票代理投票指定投票所投票網路投票提前投票Absentee votingPostal votingConstituency transfer votingProxy votingSpecial polling stations votingInternet votingEarly voting
出刊日期 201401




The absentee voting system becomes the focus of the public opinion again after the government announced the possibility of adoption of the voting system for the referendum on nuclear power policy early this year. Researches are still few although the absentee voting system has been discussing for long in Taiwan. This paper analyzes various issues concerning the implementation of the absentee voting system in this country through political, legal, social, and administrative discussions, so as to benefit academic as well as policy works. Future research agendas are also provided hereby.
