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篇名 應用模糊Kano模式建構以顧客知識管理為基礎之顧客滿意度經營策略
卷期 49
並列篇名 A Study of Building Customer Satisfaction Strategies Based on Customer Knowledge Management: The Application of Fuzzy Kano Model
作者 蔡志明鄭智勇
頁次 171-195
關鍵字 顧客知識管理模糊Kano模式顧客滿意度策略規劃Customer knowledge managementFuzzy Kano modelCustomer satisfactionStrategy planning
出刊日期 201401


本研究以顧客知識管理為出發點,透過應用模糊 Kano 模式來有效地分析與應用顧客知識,並將之轉化成為能貼近顧客需求且具體可行的顧客滿意度經營行動方案,並以國內某家知名服飾企業連鎖零售通路作為研究對象,藉以了解不同企業所推動的顧客滿意度策略是否得夠獲得顧客青睞,以創造最大的經營績效與競爭優勢。


This study uses fuzzy kano model to investigate how the product or service strategy is implemented to enhance customer satisfaction through the framework of customer knowledge management. A clothing retail company is used as a case study to explore how the product or service strategy can be developed to improve the customer satisfaction and business performance.
