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篇名 Analyzing Centralized and Decentralized Wireless Services: Service Availability, Quality of Service, and Mechanism Design
卷期 48
並列篇名 分析集權式與分散式無線網路服務:服務可用性,服務品質,與機制設計
作者 張李治華
頁次 107-121
關鍵字 無線服務服務可用性服務品質機制設計Wireless serviceService availabilityQuality of serviceMechanism design
出刊日期 201308




This study concentrates on the operation of mechanism design in centralized and decentralized business models for wireless services under the aspects of capacity cost and consumer valuation in terms of service availability and Quality of Service (QoS). We find that the features of the results in the centralized business model are consistent with those in prior studies in the mechanism design; however, the features of the results in the decentralized business model are contrary to those in prior studies. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the level of service benefit in the decentralized business model is positively associated with the number of contributors. In addition, when imposing high QoS requirements on each access point, we suggest that a service provider adopting the centralized business model can consider aggregating data traffic to reduce capacity cost; likewise, encouraging all subscribers to serve as access points cannot be an optimal strategy for service providers adopting the decentralized business model with high QoS requirements.
