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篇名 策略結盟對線上音樂平臺之廣告效益
卷期 48
並列篇名 The Advertisement Benefits of the Strategic Alliance in the On-Line Music Platform
作者 林怡芯張筱琪
頁次 49-60
關鍵字 策略聯盟音樂平臺myMusicezPeer+Strategic allianceMusic platform
出刊日期 201308




Recently, all record companies have a significant change by the rise of the Internet and the market also began to integrate and strategic alliance. It expects to create more business opportunities through diversified marketing channels and pull out more emerging markets which links space cluster of music industries gradually. However, that really can reach the vision and expectations of music platforms or record companies by diversified marketing channels. Hence, it is a very worthy of discussion and research topics.
We find that the platform - ezPeer+ cooperate with a hardware industry (such as: ASUS or others) by tie-in Sale is ineffective, but it doesn’t mean tie-in Sale is disadvantageous. If the platform can raise exposure and publicity for the case, it is still attractive to consumers. In addition, the platform should set sales target and their consumption habits with each other in order to achieve the complementary effect. At the same time, we also found that many consumers use single digital platform, it implies many users have loyalty for the digital music platform and word-of-mouth marketing is the biggest impact factors to select a music platform.
