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篇名 老年人寂寞量表發展之研究
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Development of the Elderly Loneliness Scale
作者 林千立林美珍
頁次 65-80
關鍵字 老年人情緒性寂寞社會性寂寞量表發展驗證性因素分析ElderlyEmotional lonelinessSocial lonelinessScale developmentConfirmatory factor analysis
出刊日期 201301




The purpose of this study was to development the Elderly Loneliness Scale(ELS)and examined its reliability and validity. The researcher first selected 16 elderly for personal and focus group interviews, then analyzed the qualitative data and reference related scales to create the items of the ELS. The study used 187 participants to conduct item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, factor-to factor correlation, criterion-related validity and reliability analysis. ELS consists of 10 items, and can be divided into two subscales, namely emotional loneliness and social loneliness, and Cronbach,s α efficient of total scale and two subscales were . 86、. 87 and . 62. The researcher then used the other 242 participants to conduct confirmatory factor analysis and composite reliability. The results reveal that the ELS has good goodness-of-fit, and two subscales have acceptable composite reliability. Finally, the implications and limitations of this present study were discussed.

