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篇名 後ECFA時期傳統產業U化生產管制支援機開發先期研究
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Study on the Development of Production Control U-device for the Post-ECFA Traditional Industries
作者 黃家平連素鳶鄭智勇陳大同
頁次 257-275
關鍵字 U化生產管制ECFAUbiquitousProduction management
出刊日期 201301


本計畫主要提供整合電子商務功能之U化生產管制支援機,以協助使用者輕易整合需求、設計、企劃、行銷、生產等工作重點,並將國內、外詢價需求與成品倉儲能量即時呈現,大幅降低電子郵件與行政往返時效,更可集結公司電子商務平台立即進行通路買賣。據此,傳統廠商當可逐步擴大服務市場將商業服務模式從B2B帶往B2C,讓傳產業者過去非得親自溝通的下單模式轉為Web to Phone模式,讓網路來承擔新增業務工作。


Recently, due to the impact of the global financial crisis and the rising of raw materials cost, it results in avery bad overall business environment for the domestic traditional industries. However, under the gradual internationalization of marketing and the development of digital technology, how to provide the products/services to the enterprise with the economical cost and required quality is going to stringently test the wisdom of the industrial managers. Therefore, the aim of this project is to develop a new product – a novel production control U-device for the post-ECFA traditional industries. The idea of developing this production control U-device is to make the managers of post-ECFA traditional industries being able to provide:
(1) diversified products with industry value-added
(2) marketing planning cloud services
(3) real-time business making functions
For the post-ECFA traditional industry companies, due to the rapid development of information technology, it is important to reduce their IT skill threshold in order to make them having the ability of doing the B2C/B2B electrical commerce and also to achieve the objective of increasing their market share. The innovative idea of this research is focused on expanding the business functions of traditional industries using the production control U-device developed in this project, which is able to conduct the collaborative
commerce. The cloud computing technique is applied to develop a novel cloud business decision-making end device in order for applying the traditional industry cloud onto the conventional enterprise which is short of professional marketing manpower. The main objectives concentrated in this project are then described as the following:
(1)to make the role of conventional industries to be transferred from product manufacturer into brand marketing planning experts
(2)to provide the traditional industry managers with various function of real-time innovative information features such as manpower training, marketing planning, administrative support, R&D, supply chain community
(3)the function of product R&D, marketing planning and overall administrative support are established for the traditional industry managers using the cloud computing infrastructure developed in this project
(4)the Saas information service function is build-up through the the cloud computing infrastructure developed in this project, a cloud production control U-device is going to be developed for establishing the real-time business decision-making information interface to conduct various business functions such as orders, inventory and product/technology R&D
This research is concentrated on developing a novel cloud production control U-device for the post-ECFA traditional industries using recent cloud computing information technique. The real-time business information and data-analysis (product inventory, customer relationship and marketing analysis) are able to be provided to the managers in order for them to conduct various business activities such as the order confirmation, purchase stare reminder and payment accounts management. With the assistance of the cloud computing production control U-device developed in this project, various function of business activities such as manpower training, marketing planning, administrative support, R&D, supply chain/customer relationship management are all able to be accomplished.

