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篇名 原鄉回歸:瓦歷斯.諾幹的敘事策略
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Home Coming: Walis Nuogan's Narrative Strategy
作者 熊貴藍
頁次 341-363
關鍵字 瓦歷斯.諾幹敘事策略田野踏查白色記憶悲劇美學Walis NuoganConnaughtNarrative strategyField reconnaissance of culture and historyWhite memoriesTragedy aesthetics
出刊日期 201301




This thesis begins with a first-person narrative strategy and explores how Walis Nuogan interviewed the tribesmen and villagers to construct and further enhance the literacy of the pieces he composed after returning to his home village.Interviews in the fields awakened the “White Memory” and collected the “Oral Literatures” of the tribe. It collects wisdoms from the old tribesmen have learnt from the forest and gradually constructed an Ab-original style of writing.From a country minority population’s perspective, Walis has picked up the field strategy that is popularly conducted by the Japan empire. The nature of the pieces is to re-write the history , which was usually illustrated by the Chinese point of view, and set a dominant rebellious tone for aboriginal literature.In many of his pieces, Nuogan’s constant mentioning of the tragic heroes in Wu-She Incidence has limited the aboriginal literature creativity inspired by the aboriginees’ living experiences with mountains, rivers, forests and the seas. Nuogan has also fallen into the manipulation of culture and power. Living in a diversified society like Taiwan, it is desirable to embrace and accept different cultures. Creating a platform of equality for different cultures to communicate can avoid the re-enactment of the historical tragedy. Through the use of the four main cultures’ voices in Taiwan, Chinese, Aboriginee, Hokkien and Hakka, a ethnic harmonized chorus can be sung.

