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篇名 三維建模與立體顯示技術在輔助教學平臺之技術發展
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Development of Teaching Assistant Platform by 3D Modeling and Stereo Display Technology
作者 周重石徐婕婷陳武顯
頁次 431-442
關鍵字 立體顯示紅藍鏡虛擬實境3D建模Stereo displayRed-cyan glassesVirtual reality3D modeling
出刊日期 201301




The technology progresses in both of stereo display and digital content provide lots of opportunities in developing virtual reality and relatives teaching assistant rigs. This study is to develop the construction module for three dimensional model, stereo output and human-machine interface modules based on the facilities of primary school in Tao-Yuan County. An evaluation platform was built to demonstrate the solar planets system while both of the red-cyan display functions and human machine interaction module were made. The red-cyan display was constructed by views from two virtual cameras with appropriate filters while a two and/or multi views of stereo display may be extended easily.

