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篇名 智慧資本調整機制下股權結構對公司績效之影響效應--AHP技術之運用
卷期 47
並列篇名 Impact on Intellectual Capital as a Moderator Linking Ownership Structure and Firm Performance--Application of AHP Technique
作者 黃梓蒼呂慧芬陳義文
頁次 277-298
關鍵字 多元股權機制智慧資本構面公司績效臺灣市場Multi-dimensional ownership structureIntellectual capitalICProxies for intellectual capitalPerformanceTaiwan market
出刊日期 201301




To extend prior studies, this paper specifically explores the effect of the value-relevant information provided by intellectual capital (IC) on the link between ownership structure and firm performance using an unbalanced panel pooled observations listed in the emerging Taiwanese market. We adopt a dynamic perspective to explore the persistence of the relationship across industries over time. We illustrate how AHP can be applied in the field of intellectual capital. In a word, this paper constructs the measure indicator of intellectual capital by an expert simulation system and benchmarking selection using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. Notably, through dynamic specification, the concepts of IC and industry characteristics on corporate governance mechanisms have significantly different value-creation information in Taiwanese market. The implication reminds managers and investors not merely focusing on corporate governance mechanisms as the main value-creation information, but a thorough review of IC should be made in order to avoid making incorrect decisions. Overall, this paper contributes to ongoing research by extending the importance of the proxies for IC in assessing the impact of ownership on firm performance over time.

