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篇名 雙面道家:尋找徐復觀道家研究中失落的黑暗面
卷期 47
並列篇名 Looking for the Lost Dark Side in the Study of Taoism of Xu Fu-guan
作者 郭啟傳
頁次 383-401
關鍵字 徐復觀道家研究黑暗面的意義Xu Fu-guanStudy of TaoismImplication of dark side
出刊日期 201301




This paper focus on the Xu fu-guan’s study of Taoism. Try to figure out the reason how he got his conclusions and why his conclusions seem to lose the dark side of Taoist thought. The dark side of Taoist thought is important for Taoist critical power that tries to deconstruct the hegemony based on the hierophany in axis mundi. If the dark side loses we cannot understand why Taoist prefers sea to earth. Sea refers to unconsciousness and womb that man and light and consciousness come from. Xu based his research on light that means civilization and discipline so he dismisses the dark side and the critical power invisible for him.

