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篇名 品牌服飾業通路衝突之研究
卷期 46
並列篇名 Brand apparel industry study of channel conflict
作者 鍾志明邵旭加
頁次 377-390
關鍵字 服飾產業多重通路通路衝突衝突管理個案研究Clothing industryMulti-channelChannel ConflictsConflict ManagementCase Study
出刊日期 201207




Channel distribution is one of the tools that an enterprise used to increase their competitiveness. In order for the firm to raise their market share, multiple channels are used as part of their key marketing strategies. However, there are conflicts arise from the existing channels when the enterprise developing their new channels.
This research was conducted by case study method, with the result from 5 different clothing firms. Detailed questions were also raised through a series of in-depth interviews, respectively on areas relate to women, men and children. The key research findings were: The conflicts occur in the distribution channels were mainly due to the authorised dealers or franchisees did not comply with the agreed discount allowance. Thus, the final selling prices are different in each store. The resolution for the conflicts can be communicated with mandatory source of income. To avoid the changing business model of e-commerce, effective management on “Strategy”, “Product Portfolio” and “Sale Discount” are needed to evade further channel conflicts.

