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篇名 動態影像訓練系統開發-中式推拿產業為例
卷期 46
並列篇名 To Build-up an Interactive I.T. Training System for Taiwan Tui-Na Industry
作者 趙崇偉黃家平
頁次 415-436
關鍵字 影像識別動態即時訓練系統學習機制Interactive SystemTui-NaKinectImage-processing
出刊日期 201207


自開放按摩、推拿產業從業人員不再限於視障人士後,相關足體按摩、SPA推拿店家如雨後春筍迅速展店。但是,訓練一位技術成熟技師常常需要1-3 年時間,因此,技術純熟的推拿按摩技師,已是業者成功搶攻市占率的關鍵因素。這是因為,對於服務業而言,若不能提供整齊一致的服務品質,意謂商家信譽與商品無法滿足顧客,將使店家日漸退出競爭行列。
因此,本研究據以開發一套適合中式推拿產業(足體按摩、SPA)訓練員工之動態影像訓練系統,並成為資訊教育訓練市場新產品。本研究採用SDLC 系統開發步驟,重點工作說明如次。


Tui-Na industry is open to everyone working as employee from this year. The massage and spa related shops have been opening many and spring up like mushrooms. However, a well-qualified employee will take 3-years learning curve running at the first line. It seems who controls the good quality massage employee will grab bigger markets.
This research aims to propose a I.T. training system which can help company implement on-job-training as well as self-learning. The proposed system adopts SDLC approach which main tasks are described as follows.
(1)Requirements analysis: transform tui-na operations into SOP
(2)System design: integrated pressure sensors, image-processing, infra data to design training interfaces.
(3)Testing: field testing and feed back.
(4)Improvement: more cooperation and testing.
The innovations of this proposed system are,
(1). Interactive image-training system.
(2). Web2.0, Kinect, pressure sensors, technological integrations.
(3).employee self-training devise.
The research results reveal that the advanced I.T. technology could provide real time and precise massage points and contours. This means technology could provide more clear and interactive training patterns for tui-na industry. This future work will go to expand test fields and looking for others industries to cooperate with.

