
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Novel Service Robot Supported by WSN: Architecture, Semantic Information Database and Navigation
卷期 25:1
作者 Yan, He-huaLiu, Jian-qiWang, Qin-ruoZeng, BiZou, Caifeng
頁次 020-027
關鍵字 Service robotwireless sensor networkwireless body area networkcontext-awarepath navigationEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201404



With the advancement of sensors, wireless communication technologies and the intelligent reasoning theory, service robot ushers in a new development opportunity. The traditional service robot is aware of only a partial environment, and the limited environment information affects control policies such as navigation and the alerting service. Now, we can utilize the pervasive computing of the wireless sensor network (WSN) to perceive the entire surrounding. This paper proposes a novel service robot supported by the global context-aware wireless network, and emphasizes on architecture, wireless communication technology and path navigation. The research shows that the service robot can make a more accurate control
policy based on the global environment information.
