
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 冒險治療培訓工作坊對高中職輔導教師自我覺察之影響—以「99年度高級中等學校冒險輔導種子教師培訓工作坊」為例
卷期 39
並列篇名 The Impacts of Adventure Therapy Training Workshops on High School Counselors’ Self-Awareness
作者 謝智謀洪瑋蔓
頁次 059-090
關鍵字 自我覺察冒險治療adventure therapyself-awarenessTSSCI
出刊日期 201404




This study examined how the adventure therapy training workshops could improve high school counselors’ self-awareness and learning experience The objectives of this study are seven female high school counselors who attended the four adventure therapy training workshops, led the practice of students’ adventure therapy groups, and attended a supervision meeting Through two in-depth interviews and a mini focus group, the results of this study were as bellow: Through the training workshops, the participants developed awareness about themselves, their job and the relationship with students of their work. Results of this study suggested that future research should include more male participants and participants who have different professional and training backgrounds, or narrowing the scope of research data collection. In addition, the government should promote this kind of training workshop for teachers/counselors as it may help teachers/counselors develop new counseling or teaching mode.
