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篇名 The Dialectical Development of Hermeneutic Systems in Modern Zen Philosophy —Focused on the Discourses of “Enlightenment Experience”
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 當代禪宗哲學詮釋體系的辯證發展─以「開悟經驗」的論述為焦點
作者 蔡昌雄
頁次 001-040
關鍵字 Zen PhilosophyHermeneuticsEnlightenment Experience禪宗哲學詮釋學開悟經驗
出刊日期 200803




This essay purports to initiate some clarifications on the lines of thought regarding the dialectical development of modern Zen philosophy by analyzing the major systems of Zen discourse. The research focus is placed upon the different discourses on Zen “enlightenment experience” proposed by the varying interpretive systems. The different systems are evaluated and analyzed by the epistemological question, i.e. “is enlightenment experience possible” and the methodological question, i.e. “how is it to be properly understood.” So are the dialectical relationships among the varying systems.
The modern Zen philosophy explicated in this essay encompasses the period of time from the transmission of Zen to the West by D. T. Suzuki all the way down to the present, and the viewpoints discussed cut across the academic circles of Japan and North America. As of analysis, it focuses on four major systems of interpretation, i.e. “Suzuki Zen,” “Kyoto Zen,” “Critical Zen,” and “Integrative Zen.” This essay attempts to place modern Zen philosophy in the midst of the horizon of hermeneutics for exploration, hoping to see through the interactions and tensions among Zen’s religious thought, experience, history, culture, and society. Hopefully, it could lay the foundation for deliberations on the future development of modern Zen philosophy as well.
