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篇名 A Study of Differentiation of Buddhist Teaching in Tibetan Buddhism
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 吐蕃佛教判教思想研究
作者 何杰峰
頁次 127-154
關鍵字 Tibetan BuddhismDifferentiation of Buddhist TeachingThe Interpreterthe Tibetan Emperor藏傳佛教吐蕃佛教判教思想譯師贊普
出刊日期 200909




In the period of Tibetan Buddhism, interpreters translated the Buddhist scriptures, and also the Buddhist understanding of the earliest. They constitute the expression to the Tibetan Buddhism, which is the earliest to Differentiation of Buddhist teaching. At the same time, the Tibetan emperor’s administrative differentiation of Buddhist teaching services contractors for the interpreters in their direction of thinking. The Differentiation of Buddhist teaching is discussed about ye-shes-sde dpal-brtsegs chosgrub and the Tibetan emperor khri-strong-lde-brtsan in this article, and which its characteristics have been compared.
