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篇名 対日イメージと日本語習得との関わり--台湾の大学生から観察すゐ
卷期 11
並列篇名 對日觀感與日語習得之相關分析--以臺灣大學生為例
作者 林麗娟王淑治
頁次 51-66
關鍵字 大學生對日觀感日語習得統計分析SPSSUndergraduatesImpression of JapanJapanese learningStatistical analysis
出刊日期 201001


依據相關文獻探討發現,為了增進語言之學習成效,提升學習動機,從有效掌握學習者之語言態度與學習意識,進而充實改善課程內容之策略是不容忽視的。有鑑於此,本調查就全台灣北〃中〃南〃東13所大學以日語為“第二外語”之1600名學習者為取樣對象,針對其對日看法之實質內涵與學習日語之意向所在,以及兩者間之相關情況等,使用「SPSS PC」統計分析工具進行資料分析與相關性檢證。
主要課題分為:(1)大學生抱持對日本,抑或對日本人之觀感印象如何? (2)學習者本身對學習日語之看法與志向呈現何種傾向?(3)對日觀感之優劣對學習意向之影響程度?兩者之詳細相關情形為何?等三大部份。


This research focuses on the Japanese learning condition of Taiwanese undergraduates. With questionnaires, analyzes their impression of Japan and learning intention in Japanese, as well as the connection between them.
According to related researchs, in order to improve learners’ achievement and motive in language learning, it is necessary to know clearly their attitude and learning consciousness, and to make learning content more substantial. Therefore, we choose 1600 undergraduates who are learning Japanese as second foreign language from 13 universities in different area of Taiwan, doing data analysis and verification by SPSS PC.
The three main topics are:
(1) What’s Taiwanese graduates’ impression of Japan and Japanese?
(2) What’s learner’s intention in Japanese learning?
(3) How learning intention related and affected by their impression of Japan?
By this research, to find out problems which Taiwanese undergraduates encounter in learning Japanese, presenting better policies and effective strategies for popularization of Japanese education in the future.
