
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 從觀看到閱讀:明清廣告中圖像與文字的演變
卷期 19
並列篇名 From Viewing to Reading: The Evolution of Visual Advertising in Late Imperial China
作者 巫仁恕
頁次 211-249
關鍵字 廣告商標仿單招幌品味advertisingtrademarkhandbillsignagetasteTHCI
出刊日期 201206




This article has shown, through the analysis of visual advertising, that Ming-Qing China witnessed the change of advertising culture from the appeal to concrete objects and images to extensive use of text in conveying product information. That is, advertisements were designed for reading rather than viewing. This transformation was related to the urbanization of the period.The Ming-Qing urban environment provided an important foundation for the birth of the new advertising culture; and, as the level of literacy among city dwellers grew, far exceeding that of rural residents, text came to dominate various forms of marketplace signs. In addition, the increased intensity of industrial and commercial competition during the Ming-Qing period made imitation widespread, which led proprietors to distinguish themselves from imitators through text-based advertisements. This competitive environment pushed complex textual advertising into the mainstream. In addition, the "literariness" that traditional signs achieved through the elegant use of classical Chinese was, to a considerable extent, an attempt to cater to the elites of the literate class. Complex textual forms of advertising, therefore, were mainly used in the sale of luxury items and services, and were mainly used in response to the tastes of the literate class.
