
東華漢學 THCI

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篇名 思念的遇望-作為生命存有的缺口動力學
卷期 18
並列篇名 Cherishing the Memories of Dr. Der-heuy Yee (1951-2012) and Celebrating His Academic Legacy in Taiwan's Humanities Clinical Studies
作者 林徐達
頁次 461-476
關鍵字 余德慧人文臨床思念遇望缺口動力學《追憶逝水年華》Der-heuy Yeehumanities-clinical studiesthe encountering of yearning desirethe dynamics of lack/desireTHCI
出刊日期 201312




The article was previously written and presented in The Conference for the Cultivation in the Age of Desolation: In Memory of Prof. Yee, Der-heuy (1951-2012). Drawing Dr. Der-heuy Yee on his phenomenological interpretations in Taiwan's humanities-clinical studies and on his prominent writing and rhetoric, this article following Yee's unique route of double genres discusses how "the encountering of yearning desire" deliberates an ethic-aesthetics of Being, by means of the lived experiences of narrative subjects. This essay thereby on the one hand presents a Lacanian theory on the dynamics of lack/desire, which attempts to manifest the conceptualization of Yee's clinical researches. This essay on the other hand employs Marcel Proust's work of "The Remembrance of Things Past" (À la recherche du temps perdu), with which it then juxtaposes Yee's various literary discourses on the Benjaminian involuntariness.
