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篇名 影響慢性腹膜透析病人生活品質的因素
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Factors that Impact on Quality of Life for Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
作者 郭麗雀白幸桂黃玉娟王姵穎吳美瑩鄭錦如
頁次 001-015
關鍵字 peritoneal dialysisquality of lifeSF-36peritonitis腹膜透析生活品質SF-36腹膜炎TSCI
出刊日期 201403
DOI 0.3966/172674042014031301001




Taiwan has the highest prevalence of chronic renal failure in the world. The age, economic condition, and duration of dialysis of dialysis patients all influence their life quality. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence quality of life among chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. The study was designed as a longitudinal study. Variables such as quality of life, PD mode, infection and blood test readings were compared pre- and post-PD therapy. SF-36 health survey questionnaires were used for the quality of life assessment. A total of 80 chronic PD patients were enrolled in the study. The results showed revealed higher scores from the physical component compared to the mental component in the SF-36 health survey among the study subjects (p < .05). The scores for physical function, physical role, physical pain, general health, vitality, social function and emotional role all improved after the start of PD (p < .05). PD patients less than 65 years old, in employment, no peritonitis history, had executed PD therapy themselves and had high serum albumin levels all saw improvements in the quality of life (p < .05). The operator of PD solution exchange served as a predictor on the quality of life of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis (r2.129). In conclusion, this study can be used as reference by nursing staff in clinical care of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis to enhance the patient’s quality of life.
