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篇名 照護一位血液透析病人經歷動靜脈管反覆阻塞之護理經驗
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Care of a Hemodialysis Patient Faced with Repeated Obstruction of Arteriovenous Fistula Care Experience
作者 趙文利林靖芸孫美華
頁次 060-075
關鍵字 hemodialysisA-V fistula,excess fluid volumechange in health maintenance abilityhopelessness血液透析動靜脈管體液容積過量健康維護能力改變無望感TSCI
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.3966/172674042014031301005




This article explores the nursing experience of caring for a hemodialysis patient with recurrent obstruction of arteriovenous fistula from March 27 to May 31, 2010. The author collected data through direct care, interview, phone conversations and physical assessment. Gordon’s functional health patterns were applied to evaluate the patient. The patient’s health problems included excess fluid volume, change in health maintenance ability and hopelessness. During the nursing process, the author worked with the patient and his wife to establish the therapeutic daily water intake, body weight record sheet and fistula selfcare checklist. Personalized care plans were developed to enhance the patient’s self-health management ability. We also arranged for the patient and his wife to attend support groups and health education programs to provide them with a support system, improve self-esteem, help the subject come to terms with dialysis treatment and reduce the sense of hopelessness. By sharing the nursing experience from this case, we hope to provide other nurses with a useful reference when caring for similar cases.
