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篇名 降低血液透析室尖銳物品扎傷發生率之改善專案
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Improvement Project to Reduce Sharps Injury Rate in the Hemodialysis Unit
作者 陳秋惠林彥君盧尤娟陳意超張慧蘭陳長江
頁次 030-043
關鍵字 hemodialysissharps injuriesoccupational injuries血液透析尖銳物品扎傷職業傷害TSCI
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.3966/172674042014031301003




The complex environment of the hemodialysis unit provides multiple opportunities for health care workers to sustain sharps injuries. Research showed that nurses sustained the highest number of sharps injuries among all health workers. The sharps injury rate in the hemodialysis unit was 16.6% (5/30) in 2010, higher than other units of nursing department at Hsinchu Branch of the National Taiwan University Hospital. An ad hoc group was therefore established with the goal of reducing the rate of sharps injuries and preventing blood-borne diseases related to sharps injury such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis. Using the observation checklist and cause-and-effect diagram, the main causes of sharps injuries were determined to be due to the high number of environmental risk factors, lack of awareness on sharps injury prevention, and impractical standard operating procedures for needle puncture and removal. Preventive strategies made by decision matrix analysis included elimination of environmental hazards, improving awareness on sharps injury prevention among nurses, and revising standard operating procedures for arteriovenous shunt puncture and needle removal. After these strategies were implemented, sharps injury rate was decreased to 0.00%. The policies recommended for reducing occupational injuries are illustrations and mnemonics for improving memory of standard techniques, encouraging health care workers to participate in the creation of a safe work environment, and improved awareness.
