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篇名 照顧一位鉻酸中毒個案護理經驗
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 The Nursing Experience of Patient with Chromium Poisoning
作者 羅佩琳周晉伊黃敏瑢厲佩如宋雅雯
頁次 087-099
關鍵字 chemical intoxicationchromium poisoningnursing care化學中毒鉻酸中毒護理TSCI
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.3966/172674042014031301007




The subject of this study was a galvanization worker who suffered from chromium poisoning after falling into the galvanization tank and ingesting the chemical solution. During the period of intensive nursing care from January 20 ~ 25, 2012, the author collected data on the patient through physical examinations, interviews, patient observation and Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns. The patient was confirmed to have three nursing problems: 1. Existential injury - related to the risk of acute liver and kidney damage from chromium poisoning; 2. Acute pain - related to membrane damage caused by the corrosive effects of chromic acid; 3. Anxiety - related to uncertainty over treatment and the future. During the care process, the author studied the literature on harm caused by chromium poisoning then used the specialized nursing knowledge to closely monitor the patient’s physiological changes and prevent any complications. Pain assessment and psychological support were also used to help relieve acute pain that the patient was suffering from mucosal damage. We actively helped the patient find ways of coping with the anxiety from unfamiliarity with the treatment process and uncertainty over his future as well. We hope the sharing of this nursing experience can serve as a reference when caring for similar cases in the future.
