
政大中文學報 THCI

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篇名 欲望、換喻與小它物:當代漢語詩的後現代修辭與文化政治
卷期 14
並列篇名 Desire, Metonymy, and Objet Petit a : Postmodern Rhetoric and Cultural Politics in Contemporary Chinese Poetry
作者 楊小濱
頁次 241-265
關鍵字 當代詩拉岡換喻欲望小它物Contemporary Chinese poetryLacanMetonymyDesireObjet petit aTHCI
出刊日期 201012




This essay examines the rhetorical transformation of recent Chinese poetry in both Taiwan and mainland China since the 1990s, in the light of Lacanian theory of the deconstruction of the Symbolic. The poetic language that displays losses in symbolic expression triggers desire – a desire destined to be impeded, and thus a desire for impediment, according to Žižek – towards the objet petit a, the unsymbolizable remnant from the Real. Lacan regards desire as a metonymy, which, as this essay demonstrates, is the fundamental rhetorical characteristic of Chinese poetry today. By analyzing the metonymic expressions in contemporary Chinese poetry, this essay probes how a new poetic expression challenges the mode of grand discourse, and reveals trauma and jouissance under the Symbolic order.
