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篇名 Ch'ing Dynasty Chinese Immigration to Taiwan: An Anthropological Perspective
卷期 64
並列篇名 淸代的台灣漢人移民:一個社會人類學的考察
作者 莊英章
頁次 179-203
出刊日期 198709




When social scientists wish to consider the history of Ch'ing dynasty Chinese immigration to Taiwan, it is necessary to focus on the reasons for immigration and the conditions of immigration from the perspective of social science before the significance of immigration can be understood. This paper adopts such a perspective to examine the process of Ch'ing dynasty Chinese immigration and pioneering on Taiwan and the developmental form of traditional social organization under colonial conditions.
The second section of the paper focuses on the process of Chinese immigration to Taiwan in historical prespective. Starting with the Dutch occupation of Taiwan, passing through the Cheng (Koxinga) period and continuing up to the Ch'ing dynasty, the process of Chinese immigration and pioneering is divided into two phases: the period of immigrant society and the period of nativized society.
Section three discusses the firm establishment of Chinese society. During the immigration/pioneering period, the ways in which Chinese opened land and built a Chinese social structure on Taiwan's frontier are discussed from the perspectives of the organization of pioneering and the relationship between tenants and landlords; local affinity and rural communalism; and ho-yueh-tzu lineages. Establishing new local affinities and the development of traditional lineage organizations during the nativization phase are analysed.
The immigration policy of the Ch'ing government had a profound impact on Chinese immigrant society in Taiwan. For instance, ho-yueh-tzu lineages can be called a product of immigrant society; in addition to worshiping ancestors, such lineages were also common interest groups. After the 1860,s, Chinese society on Taiwan turned from a frontier to a nativized society and traditional lineage organizations gradually came about.

