
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 「溪頭自然生態研習活動」執行成效之分析
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Analysis of the Implementation of "Study Activities on Natural Ecology of Chitou Area"
作者 劉儒淵黃英塗
頁次 063-107
關鍵字 自然教育生態研習活動解說服務nature educationstudy activities on natural ecologyinterpretive serviceTSSCI
出刊日期 199106




The study activities on natural ecology of Chitou Forest Recreation Area which have been held for 89 times and about 9000 participants by The Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University since last five years were aimed to distribute the multiple functions of forest resources to people and to declare the issue of ecological conservation. This study were carried out to examine the methodology, contents and achievements in these activities. Furthermor, the opinions and suggestions of participants were statisticallye analysed by questionaires. Finally, some conclusions and suggestion swere made for those to conduct this type of study activities in natural education.
