
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 唐人遊春風尚與園林活動
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 Tang People: Spring Outings and Touring Gardens
作者 候迺慧
頁次 003-028
關鍵字 遊春園林賞花鬥花彈琴飲酒垂釣唐人Spring outingGardenAdmiring flowersFlower competitionPlucking the ChinWiningFishingTang peopleTSSCI
出刊日期 199109




This article introduces the part that contact with nature played in the leisure life of people in the Tang Dynasty, and portrays the content and spirit of such actrvities.The leisure life of Tang dynastypeople developed swiftly on its Wei and Chin and Six Dynasties' foundations becoming both more widespread and eveyday in nature-due to the improve-ment in philosophical thinking, the nature of Buddhism and Taoism, economicprosperity and the high demand for daily pleasures.Its content can be succinctly divided into two parts: one was the practise of spring outings, the other was daily garden life. There also existed a mutually influencing, cyclical relation between the two. Tang Dynasty inhabitants took to the spring travel craze with great enthusiasm, and from princes and aristocrats down to the common people, all vied to roam in the famous gardens of the day. Content included admiring flowers and flower competitions. As for average times in the rest of the year scholars also enjoyed relaxation and appreciation of private or public gardens. Reading, drinking, plucking the Chin, playing Chi, fishing and writing poems are all actvities that express a leisurely, calm dignified atmosphere, which thus became the long-term condition of garden life for Tang people. They used it to encapsulate the essence of their sentiment and to raise the level of their spiritual world.
