
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 自然資源永續利用的實例-福山植物園的遊客管制
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 An Example of Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources-Visitors Regulation Strategy of Fushan Botanical Garden
作者 林國銓董世良
頁次 041-050
關鍵字 遊憩容納量遊憩機會序列解說教育Recreational carrying capacityrecreational opportunity spectrumField interpretationTSSCI
出刊日期 199612




Recreational carrying capacity (RCC) has been developed into a reference regulating activities and impacts of park visitors. The assessment of RCC, however, becomes quite difficult when the various parameters, related to ecological, physical, facility and social carrying capacity, are included in the processes. It should be noted that the RCC of a given site is not a constant, it varies with the environmental settings of the sites to be managed. And, because of the variability of their environmental settings, the management goals as well as visitors' preference of recreational sites will vary widely. This makes the assessment of the RCC of a given site a real challenge Even when the RCC is given, the management of a site may not easily be carried out. If the RCC potentially excess certain threshold, the managemental measures (such as diverse land uses, limitation uses, field interpretation service and the closure of certain areas) can be taken to prevent further degradation of recreational qualities. This paper, using Fushan Botanical Garden as a case study, addresses the application of the concept and its effectiveness, with special concern on the evolution of strategies regulating visitors.
