
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 雪霸國家公園與當地原住民夥伴關係的形成
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 The Development of the Partnership between Shei-Pa National Park and Local Aboriginals
作者 黃躍雯
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 雪見遊憩區利害關係者夥伴關係夥伴關係公園模式Shei-Jian recreation areaStakeholdersPartnershipThe partnership park modelTSSCI
出刊日期 200703




The once escalating conflict between national parks and local residents, especially aboriginals, is gradually eased due to an effective promotion of environmental partnerships. Taiwan's national parks and protected areas have also fostered a positive relationship with aboriginals in recent times. This research discusses and analyzes the partnership issues of the Shei-Chien Recreation Area, which is currently under development, and the development of partnerships between nearby national parks and local residents. This research concludes that aboriginals have participated in various environmentally-friendly and culturally diverse recreation area development activities of the Shei-Pa National Park, including a survey of cultural resources, cultural films and eco-tour guides training. The interactions have helped to establish another type of partnership model. In addition, this research also discusses the problems associated with the local development, and proposes some suggestions.
