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篇名 到宅牙醫醫療
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 Dental Home Visit
作者 吳侑庭余權航
頁次 004-008
關鍵字 到宅牙醫醫療dental home visit
出刊日期 201403




Dental treatment for patients with severe disabilities or more complicated oral conditions is usually handled in a specialized medical center with special equipment. However, the disable people who cannot or has difficulties to go outside to seek for dental treatment are usually under-cared for their oral hygiene. Dental home visit is a special dental service that provides oral hygiene care and treatment needs for those patient that mentioned above. It is well established in Japan for more than 20 years. In Taiwan, however, it is not popular yet. To provide better oral care for these patients, we started dental home visit service in Department of Stomatology, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital since year 2010. In this article, we will introduce the principle and practice of dental home visit.
