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篇名 土地公傳說及其形象研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Legends of the Earth God and Researches on His Images
作者 許嘉茵
頁次 097-116
關鍵字 土地公民間文學形象傳說Earth GodFolkliteratureImagesLegends
出刊日期 201406




The research subject of the prose is the Earth God, a common belief of Chinese societies, from a viewpoint of folk literature to discuss the “images”. In materials and scope,Mainly by legends, Combing "Chinese folk tales integration",Counties and cities in Taiwan folk literature collection to find Earth God related stories, supplemented by relevant Sketchbooks, temples actual inspection, etc. Folk Literature on Earth God image to be examined. For them, the Earth God is merciful and kind; he also obtains virtues of sacrificing and helping others. The godhood of the Earth God reveals powers to help people from suffering, while the manhood of this god is like ordinary people at most of the time. In other words, the Earth God also contains emotions and feelings towards everything in the world. For instance, the Earth God gets mocked for his poverty, and he argues with his wife from time to time; sometimes he even plays in contest of wits with human beings. This is how the Earth God represents a multiple image of warmness and friendliness, and allows people to have various imaginations.
