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篇名 台語連詞和副詞的關聯性
卷期 7
並列篇名 Analyses of Correlation between Taiwanese Conjunctions and Adverbs
作者 李淑鳳
頁次 021-055
關鍵字 連詞副詞台語兼類同現conjunctionsadverbsTaiwanesesharing parts of speechco-existence
出刊日期 201304




It has always been difficult to draw a clean distinction between conjunctions and adverbs. Most studies have put more emphasis on how to make a clear cut between them rather than recognizing their close relationship. This study is based on the analyses of Taiwanese texts during Japanese rule. Principles of function as well as principles of semantics are applied to the study. First, the distinction between conjunctions and adverbs in Taiwanese is explored; then, their relationship is illustrated through an abundance of examples. We find that there is a phenomenon regarding parts of speech, in that there are frequent co-existences and sharing of usage. This phenomenon not only explains why it is difficult to distinguish between conjunctions and adverbs, but also reveals their close syntactic relationship.
