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篇名 國民中學技藝教育學程現況分析與探討
卷期 65:2
並列篇名 Analysis and Exploration of Vocational Education Program in Junior High Schools
作者 吳明振游玉英
頁次 086-109
關鍵字 國民中學技藝教育技藝教育學程國中技藝教育學程junior high schoolVocational EducationVocational Education ProgramJunior High School Vocational Education Program
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6249/SE.2014.65.2.06


適性發展是12年國民教育的目標之一,爲適應學生個別差異、學習興趣與 需要,國民中學三年級學生,應在自由參加之原則下,由學校提供技藝課程選 習,加強技藝教育。本文透過蒐集、整理分析主管機關對於國中技職教育之 管考資料,教育部技藝教育專案編班輔導訪視報告,及監察院技職教育專案報 告,並蒐集在國中階段所實施技藝教育的相關資料內容,作為探討之基礎。分 析技藝教育學程目前實施現況、發展情形及所面臨問題,最後提出結論和建 議,供教育主管機關與學校參考,俾助益於技藝教育學程之健全發展與嘉惠於 學生。


Developing oneself based on the individual’s potential is one of the major purposes in the twelve-year Basic Education Program. In order to meet the needs of individual student’s differences and interests in learning, school can provide the vocational education program to the 9th grade students for free participation, to strengthen the effectiveness of vocational education program implementation. The research basis of this article was made through the way of collecting and analyzing the data of vocational education program of junior high school from the various related government institutes - including the reports of integration guidance, and the reports of vocational education program from Control Yuan, as well as the related implementation status data of vocational education program on junior high school. Afterwards, this article analyzed the current implementation status, and its developing status, and the problems it is facing when implementing vocational education program. Finally, the article made the conclusion and came out the suggestions for the reference of the educational authorities and the schools. In the end, this article could serve to help a healthy developing on vocational education program and to benefit the students.
