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篇名 展現中學生資訊能力的舞台-國際資訊奧林匹亞(IOI)競賽
卷期 687
並列篇名 Elite Computer Science Competition for Secondary School Students:International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)
作者 何榮桂
頁次 034-041
關鍵字 國際資訊奧林匹亞競賽資訊能力科學競賽International Olympiad in Informaticscompetence in computer science and information technologyscience competition
出刊日期 201406


國際資訊奧林匹亞競賽(IOI) 係中學生展現資訊能力的最佳舞台,與數學、物理、化學、生物及地球等並列為國際六項科學奧林匹亞競賽,甚受重視。本文首先介紹IOI 之緣起與競賽活動概要,並略述我國與此項競賽的過程與成就。今(2014) 年IOI 由我國主辦,屆時不僅可向來自八十多個國家之國際友人展現台灣之資訊軟硬體實力,同時也讓其欣賞台灣景觀與文化之美。


The International Olympiad in informatics (IOI) is an annual elite computer science competition for secondary school students; together with International Olympiads in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth Science, the IOI is one of the worldwide recognized science olympiads. This paper introduces the origins and format of the IOI, and focuses on the preparation and participating process and excellent performance of our Taiwan teams at several IOIs. The 2014 IOI will be held in Taiwan. ompetitors from more than 80 countries will join together to share their scientific knowledge and experiences. During their stays in Taiwan, competitors will not only explore Taiwan’s information technology and services but also enjoy Taiwan’s natural beauty and rich cultures.
