
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 越南莫朝詩人阮秉謙《白雲庵詩集》現地研究
卷期 43
並列篇名 On-Site Research on Nguyen Binh Khiêm, Vietnamese Poet of the Mac Dynasty, and His Bach Vân Am thi tâp
作者 簡錦松
頁次 061-134
關鍵字 越南阮秉謙白雲庵詩集現地研究Vietnamese literatureNguyen Binh KhiêmBach Vân Am thi tâpOn-Site researchTHCI
出刊日期 201309


阮秉謙(1491-1585) 是越南莫朝的著名詩人,本文研究採用現地研究法,以 阮氏的《白雲庵詩集》為對象,針對詩集的研究需求,預期解決以下四個問題: (1) 了解《白雲庵詩集》的現存狀況,並指出誤入本集的他人詩作。(2) 考定阮秉 謙「雪金江」的現代指謂,並對「中津月渡」作出GPS 定位。(3) 重建白雲庵與 中津觀(館)的現場形貌,並以「看山經驗」,探析白雲庵詩的寫實趣味。(4) 修 正流傳的阮秉謙譜記內容,為阮秉謙重作歷史定位。


Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm (1491-1585) is a distinguished poet of the Mạc Dynasty of Vietnam. The present study conducts on-site research into his Bạch Vân Am thi tập. The aims of this research are to examine this collection and to identify works by other poets that are wrongly collected into it; to investigate the modern site of his “Xue Jin Jiang”; and to compare and contrast it with Zhongjin Yuedu, using GPS; to reconstruct the settings (including Bạch Vân Am and Zhongjin Guan) and to explore the realism of his poems; and finally, to emend the biographical records and background information about the poet, as well as to review his role in the history of poetry.
