
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 問津「桃源」與棲居「桃源」--盛唐隱逸詩人的空間詩學
卷期 42
並列篇名 Visiting Peach-Blossom Spring or Living within Peach-Blossom Spring: The Poetics of Space of the High-Tang Recluse Poets
作者 蕭馳
頁次 001-050
關鍵字 孟浩然王維盛唐隱逸詩人空間詩學緣在Meng HaoranWang WeiHigh-Tang recluse poetsPoetics of spaceDaseinTHCI
出刊日期 201303




Based on the data from on-site investigations, this article uses the fiction about the Peach-Blossom Spring as a mythos to discuss the poetics of space of the two representatives of the high-Tang recluse poets, Meng Haoran and Wang Wei. The author demonstrates that, in accordance with the geographical environment of Meng’s farmstead, which was at the bank of the Han River and beside the main road, the so-called reclusive world created by Meng’s poetry is not really a sequestered space to highlight the distinction between inside and outside. In this regard, “tianyuan” (field and garden) is not a reclusive world antagonistic to cities and court, but instead, it designates a homeland for a wandering traveler. Most of his poems accordingly expatiate upon how the poet approaches attractive sites one after another in Xiangyang or somewhere far away through rivers or some lakes, as “the fisherman” entered the “Peach-Blossom Spring.” The on-site investigation leads the author to believe that the reclusive world of Wang Wei in his old age is indeed within the Wangchuan valley, as the poet told us. Its secluded topography surrounded by mountains is consistent with what the poet assumed as “heterotopia” in poetry. The poet here gazes at this secluded world with the eyes of a man in the “Peach Blossom Spring” to discover its alluring moments. Space at this point is opened through the dasein within the torrent of the beings. Furthermore, the poet is not narrating the experience but experiencing the momentary experience through his poems. This kind of perception of space opened up internally through dasein is essentially spherical, particularly embodied by the secluded Wangchuan valley itself. Finally, the author emphasizes that this article is not so much to confirm a geographical determinism as it is to find the intrinsic reasons or assumed life-styles for the recluse poets to choose their environments. The conclusion also discusses the impact of Wang Wei’s poems written in Wangchuan on later lyric writing and particularly the design of literati gardens.
