
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 王維、裴迪《輞川集》詩現地研究
卷期 40
並列篇名 On-Site Research on Wang Wei's Collected Poems in Wangchuanji
作者 簡錦松
頁次 41-81
關鍵字 王維輞川莊輞川集唐詩現地研究法Wang WeiWangchuanzhuangWangchuanjiTang dynasty poetryTHCI
出刊日期 201203




Wang Wei's Wangchuanzhuang and "Wangchuanji" have always been at the center of Chinese classical literature studies. This study approaches Tang dynasty poetry through onsite research in Lantian county, Shanxi province, China. The study not only works with the original poetry of "Wangchuanji" and related historical documents in order to find the closest possible locations depicted in Wang Wei's works, but also uses Google Earth Pro to present accurately every site on the map.
