
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 書業與獄訟——從晚明出版文化論余象斗公案小說的編纂過程與創作意圖
卷期 39
並列篇名 Publication and Lawsuit: Research on the Compilation Process and Creative Intention of Yu Xiangdou’s Detective-Style Novel as Seen through the Late-Ming Publication Culture
作者 林桂如
頁次 001-039
關鍵字 公案小說余象斗廉明公案諸司公案日用類書訴訟Detective-style novelsYu XiangdouLianming gong’anZhusi gong’anEncyclopedias for daily useLawsuitsTHCI
出刊日期 201109




Yu Xiangdou published a detective-style novel Lianming gong’an in 1598 that was totally different from Bao gong’an, and later on wrote Zhusi gong’an as the continuation of Lianming gong’an. There are a large number of legal statements and verdict papers in both of them, in addition to law clauses interwoven with the development of the story plot describing painstaking investigations; the author contended in the preface that real justice could be revealed only when corruption is dissipated. Why did Yu Xiangdou write this preface? And why did he make such a change in the framework of the detective novel genre? In this article I will answer these questions by first discussing the correlation between the situation of litigation and the popularity of detective-style fiction in the Ming dynasty. Next, I will analyze the framework and contents of both Lianming gong’an and Zhusi gong’an. Then, using published law books and encyclopedias from the same period, I will analyze the close relationships between book publishing by booksellers, and the development of detective-style novels. Finally, I will explore the commercial motives behind the records of crime.
