
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 陳奐及《詩毛氏傳疏》的評論與傳播
卷期 39
並列篇名 The Critique and Circulation of Chen Huan’sShi Maoshi zhuanshu
作者 楊晉龍
頁次 147-186
關鍵字 陳奐王韜理雅各高本漢詩毛氏傳疏詩經學Chen HuanWang TaoJames LeggeBernhard KarlgrenShi Maoshi zhuanshuShijing studiesTHCI
出刊日期 201109




The purpose of this essay is to examine the reception of Chen Huan’s Shi Maoshi zhuanshu in academic research. This essay confirms that Shi Maoshi zhuanshu has been accepted and circulated by teachers, students, scholars, publishers, bureaucracy and dynastic courts, who admired it, and that there are two versions of Shi Maoshi zhuanshu. Also, in order to demonstrate the position Shi Maoshi zhuanshu holds in academic studies, the author studies 1259 entries among 45 treatises by 32 Chinese and foreign scholars, other than Wang Tao and James Legge, since the Qing dynasty. The fact that the entries approving the value of Shi Maoshi zhuanshu are 4.6 times as numerous as those opposing it affirms Chen Huan’s academic status. The findings in this essay provide effective answers and approaches for researchers interested in Chen Huan’s study of Shijing, and classical studies in the Qing dynasty, as well as those wanting to verify the existing academic value or review the adequacy of the academic status of his study.
