
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 從孟學詮釋史論中國詮釋學之特質
卷期 11
並列篇名 Characteristics of Chinese Hermeneutics Exhibited in the History of Mencius Exegesi
作者 黃俊傑
頁次 281-301
關鍵字 詮釋學〈孟子〉儒學HermeneuticsMenciusConfucianismTHCI
出刊日期 199709


本文以中國思想史所見之孟子學詮釋史為中心,分析中國詮釋學之三大面 向:一、作為解經者心路歷程之表述的詮釋學:許多儒者透過註經以表述企慕 聖賢境界之心路歷程,如朱子集註〈四書〉以建立一己之哲學,解釋〈孟子〉 「知言養氣」說以表詮個人對生命之體認﹔王陽明( 1472一1529)在其「百死 千難」的心路歷程中所得之「心即理」與「致良知」之精神體驗中,重新解釋 孟子學,都是具有代表性的例證。二、作為政治學的儒家詮釋學:由於帝制中 國的政治體制是以君主為主體,而儒家政治理想是以人民為主體,儒家之價值 理想難以在現實世界中實踐,於是,許多儒家學者在有志難伸之餘,以經典註 疏之學術事業寄寓其經世濟民之政治理想。這種詮釋學是一種道德學,而且其 中「治道」遠多於「政道」,如康有為( 1859一1927)著〈孟子微〉於二十世 紀列強對中國鯨吞蠶食之危機年代,皆寄託其救世宏圖於名山事業之中。三、 作為護教學的儒家詮釋學:歷代儒者以經典註疏作為武器,批駁佛、老而為儒 學辯護者代不乏人,如韓愈( 768-824)撰〈原道〉、〈與孟尚書書〉,以孟 子傳孔子之道,認為其「功不在禹下」,皆有詮釋經典以護教之用心在焉。王 陽明通過對孟子的「盡心」與「集義」等概念的重新解釋以批駁朱子學﹔清儒 戴震( 172牛1777)在西元一七七七年撰〈孟子字義證疏〉駁斥宋儒及佛、老 之思想,也是這種類型的中國詮釋學的代表作品。


This paper explicates the characteristics of Chinese hermeneutics and its distinctively Chinese cultural characteristics as illuminated and instantiated by its long historical tradition of Confucian exegesis on the 孔1encian Classics. This essay has explained Chinese hermeneutics as having three types: hermeneutics as personal cultivation’ 的political pragmatics, and as apologetics. Since hermeneutics originated in the breakdown of communication between the contemporary reading subject and the ancient text, the first type of hermeneutics as personal cultivation is primary in origin and importance. For hermeneutics bridges our gap-linguistic, contextual-with the ancient sages, so as for us to befriend them, be in dialogue with them, in order to cultivate and ful日11 ourselves. In this respect, hermeneutics as political pragmatics and as apologetics are two directions in which the subjectivity of the exegete stretches to express himself. Faced with the risky complex political situation of the times, the exegete has no option but to propose his view through the route of his ostensibly objective textual research, reinterpretations of the classics. Faced with the bewildering plethora of competing schools and views, one has to return to, to dig into, the original classics, to bring out, to demonstrate “truths’,to which he is committed, thereby to refute“heresies.’,The above three types share in common the writing commentaries on the Classics, so as to poetically evoke (hsing興) the reader to metaphorically (pi比) grasp what is truly there from time immemorial, by way of longing aspiration towards the sages and their views expressed in the classics, of advising the powers that be with the immutable political views of the classical ancients, of redressing mistaken views in various divergent schools.
