
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 從實地山水到話語山水——謝靈運山水美感之考掘
卷期 37
並列篇名 From Actual Landscape to Discursive Landscape: An “Archaeological” Study of Xie Lingyun’s Aesthetics of Mount/River
作者 蕭馳
頁次 001-050
關鍵字 謝靈運山水詩話語派生樹現地考察山水的詞源感知自然風景的基元構架Xie LingyunLandscape poetryTree of the enunciative derivationOn-site investigationMorphogenesis of shanshuiEssential frame in aesthetics of natural landscapeTHCI
出刊日期 201009




Taking Xie Lingyun’s (385-433) landscape poems as its focus, this article tracks the growth of the “tree of the enunciative derivation” landscape aesthetics in the discourse of early Chinese landscape poetry. Carrying out an on-site investigation and citing ancient data, the article first identifies some controversial sites Xie wrote about in verse and thereby confirms that Xie’s landscape poems indeed were based on an external referential framework. Xie’s poetry highlights what the phenomenologist Merleau-Ponty calls the “hollow” in an artist’s perception. The article then displays a spectrum of Xie’s landscape aesthetic perceptions: his sensibilities and misperceptions. Furthermore, it infers that Xie’s aesthetic system was based upon a frame of bipolarity within oneness implied by the new compounded word shan-shui (mountain-river). The article expounds that, as the earliest designation for natural landscape, the term shanshui itself emerged from the atmosphere of viewing, admiring and writing about the natural landscape by Eastern Jin literati. The morphological origin of this word can be traced back to the earlier coordinate clauses respectively referring to shan and shui. In the initial stage of the metonymic expansion of the meaning of the word shanshui, the essential frame of bipolarity within oneness (mountain/river) implied in the word’s morphogenesis still underlay the aesthetic perception in viewing and describing the natural landscape. Xie Lingyun, the earliest poet of this subject, with his description of a clear-cut mountain and river, incarnated this essential frame. Finally, the article reveals a split in Xie’s literary discourse about natural landscapes and poetic feeling. Apart from the Dark-Learning discourse in which the natural landscape could free man from emotions, Xie also wrote about the moments when the natural landscape even intensified and symbolized his sadness and emotion. A process of “internalization of the external” is inaugurated here and triggers a later discourse in which natural scenery stands for emotions.
