
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 呂祖謙《讀詩記》與戴溪《續讀詩記》之比較研究
卷期 35
並列篇名 A Discourse on the Relationship between Dai Xi's Xu Dushi Ji and Lü Zuqian's Lüshi Jiashu Dushi Ji
作者 黃忠慎
頁次 129-160
關鍵字 詩序呂祖謙戴溪呂氏家塾讀詩記續呂氏家塾讀詩記Preface to the book of songsLü ZuqianDai XiLüshi Jiashu Dushi JiXu Lüshi Jiashu Dushi JiTHCI
出刊日期 200909




The Lüshi jiashu dushi ji was a famous work of the Southern Song dynasty that strictly followed the teachings of the Preface to the Book of Songs. It was a complete work in the sense that it covered every chapter of the Book of Songs. However, there also appeared a supplementary work done by Dai Xi. Naturally, in the discourses on the history of the learning of the Book of Songs, Dai Xi's Xu dushi ji was classified as a work of the traditionalist school. This is a superficial judgment and does not agree with the facts.
Comparative and statistical methods are employed in this paper. A detailed comparative examination has been carried out on issues concerning the writing styles, the understanding of the themes of the Book of Songs, and the methods of interpretation. All these point to the fact that Dai Xi made contributions similar to those of the scholars of the new school. In other words, Dai did not allow the meanings of the Book of Songs to be limited by either the consensus found in the old tradition or the results of critical interpretations of the ancient texts, thus liberating the interpretation of the Preface from the domination of the old tradition. However, as Dai interpreted the Book of Songs mainly from the perspective of its moral teaching, the major characteristic of his work was to reconcile different approaches and interpretations. Though his work claimed to be a continuation of Lü's work, it should be considered an independent one.
