
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 孚社及其詩學考論
卷期 35
並列篇名 An Exploration of Fu Club and Its Poetics
作者 謝明陽
頁次 1-44
關鍵字 孚社魏耕錢价人陳子龍今詩萃Fu clubWei GengQian JierenChen ZilongThe essence of contemporary poetryTHCI
出刊日期 200909




Fu Club (孚社) was a poetry club formed by some Ming loyalists in Gui An, Zhejiang province, during the reign of Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing dynasty. It was led by Qian Jieren and other members like Wei Geng, Qian Zuanzeng, Zhu Shizhi, Chen Sandao, and Qian Jieren's brothers Zhixi, Zhitun, and Zhitao. The establishment of Fu Club (孚社) aimed at preserving the academic tradition of the Fu Club (復社) of the late Ming dynasty. Thus, the poets of the later Fu Club (孚社) encouraged each other to maintain the classical tradition. On the other hand, they had another lofty purpose; that is, they were engaged in reviving the Ming dynasty, in secret until the Tong Hai Case, which resulted in the collapse of the club with its members being arrested, killed, or exiled to Ningguta as guards. Until now, the association of Fu Club (孚社) poets has almost been forgotten in the torrent of history, except for Wei Geng, due to the survival of his work The Collected Poems of Xue Weng. In fact, The Essence of Contemporary Poetry that Wei Geng and Qian Jieren once compiled still exists, and can be the relevant reference for today's study. We can also explore the poetics of the Ming Loyalists by collecting fragments of their poems from various poetry miscellanea of the Qing dynasty. On the whole, the poets of Fu Club (孚社) stuck to the rhyming tradition of the Tang Dynasty. Their poetic stance of restoring the ancient ways is similar to that of the Former and the Latter Seven Scholars. Yet we wonder what significance there is for these leftover subjects to reiterate the importance of classical poetics in the background of the early Qing dynasty? And what difficulties would this poetic claim confront? These are the issues this paper aims to discuss and analyze. What draws our special attention is that Chen Zilong's works headed every category in The Essence of Contemporary Poetry, which was compiled according to the genre of the poems. Doing so aimed not only to enthrone him as the model of contemporary poetry but also to reflect the determination of the Ming Loyalists like Wei Geng and Qian Jieren. Hence, how the poets of Fu Club (孚社) followed Chen Zilong's poetic style and personal characteristics to give meaning to their lives is the deep concern that the paper further explores.
