
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 〈桃花源記并詩〉的神話、心理學詮釋--陶淵明的道家式「樂園」新探
卷期 32
並列篇名 A Mythological and Psychological Interpretation of “A Record of Peach Blossom Spring, with Poem”--A New Exploration of Tao Yuanming's Taoist Paradise
作者 賴錫三
頁次 001-040
關鍵字 陶淵明桃花源烏托邦神話樂園道家Tao YuanmingArcadiaUtopiaMythParadiseTaoismTHCI
出刊日期 200803




We can find the theme of “returning to the nature and being oneself” prevalent in Tao Yuanming’s works. He has an extraordinary sensitivity to time and death. He has the psychological characteristics of an “old soul” according to spiritual alchemy’s vision. First, I describe the meaning of the term “old soul” from the content in his works and make it clear in a religious dimension. From the point of view of religion, I explain why there are so many mythological images in his works. Second, I interpret “A Record of Peach Blossom Spring, with Poem” from the perspective of mythology and psychology. In order to make the interpretation systematically mythological, I reveal the archetypal images and narrative structures in the text. Third, I distinguish the paradise of Tao Yuanming from mythical paradise and Taoist fairy paradise, which, in my opinion, are better called “paradises of all natural beings-in-themselves,” based on Laozi’s and Zhuangzi’s conceptions. Fourth, this paper also makes a fundamental distinction between “arcadia” and “utopia” according to the different categories of nature and politics. Finally, I discover what supports the idea that Tao Yuanming’s paradise corresponds to his new metaphysical works.
