
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 神聖的秩序--〈楚帛書.甲篇〉中的創世神話及其宇宙觀
卷期 30
並列篇名 Sacred Order: Cosmogonic Myth and Cosmology in Part I of the Chu Silk Manuscript
作者 高莉芬
頁次 001-044
關鍵字 楚帛書宇宙起源神話創世神話宇宙論秩序神聖數字The Chu manuscriptCosmogonic mythCreation mythCosmology orderSacred numberTHCI
出刊日期 200703




The Chu Silk Manuscript is the earliest and most complete astronomical text from ancient China. Part I of the Chu Silk Manuscript is a rare pre-Qin text that makes cosmological myths available in a complete version. This paper attempts to explore the mythological types and symbolic structures of the cosmogonic myth in the Chu Silk Manuscript, from the points of view of comparative mythology and motive analysis. Cosmological myths can be divided into two stages: the first stage is the creation from chaos; the second stage is the re-creation of differentiated order by the gods. Therefore, this paper also further analyzes the relationship between cosmogonic and social order. The cosmogonic myths in the pre-Qin Chu Silk Manuscript still have their original and symbolic power and efficacy. They explain not only the origin of the Chu people's universe, but also the creation of the earth, the appearance of the seasons, the sun and the moon, as well as other astronomical explorations. There is a rich store of observation of astronomical phenomena and of mythological imagination. The cosmogonic mythology of Part I of the Chu Silk Manuscript does have some archetypical motifs known from world cosmological myths, showing some cross-cultural similarities; but generally, its concept of the sacred numbers that constitute order, and its spiritual cosmogony really give it an intensively Warring States period Chu style, that is unique to the culture that produced it. The basis for symbolic thinking in Chu culture was not only those elements of cosmogonic myth that could lead to explicit astronomical and philosophical principles, but also the overall concept of world order.
