
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 從出土簡帛文獻看戰國楚道家的道論及其相關問題--以帛書〈道原〉、〈太一生水〉與〈亙先〉為核心
卷期 29
並列篇名 A Look at the Chu Daoists on Dao and Related Problems from Unearthed Bamboo Slips and Silk Writings
作者 陳麗桂
頁次 123-144
關鍵字 本體論道原太一生水亙先生成論名論Theory of substanceDaoyuanTaiyi sheng shuiHengxianTheory of creationNominalismTHCI
出刊日期 200609




The three articles composed on silk or bamboo slips in the Chu region during the Warring States, “Daoyuan,” “Taiyi sheng shui” and “Hengxian,” are largely consistent in form period. Besides being short in length, all three are divided into two parts: Part 1 examines the substance or creation of Dao and Part 2 investigates the application of Dao to human and political affairs together with the problem of names. It is possible that they reflect the common concerns and popular forms advanced by a certain group of scholars in the Chu region during the period of the Warring States. As far as Part 1 is concerned, “Daoyuan” focuses on the nature of substance; “Taiyi sheng shui” dwells specifically on the problem of creation; and “Hengxian” explores the problem of substance and investigates the problem of creation in detail. Though richer and more complicated, “Daoyuan” still simply reflects the fundamental features of Dao similar to those considered in “Hengxian.” As its style resembles the “Yuandao” chapter of the Huainanzi, it must have belonged to the basic form of Huangdi’s and Laozi’s theory of Dao. “Taiyi sheng shui,” which aims at the description of the changes of the four seasons for the completion of one whole year, relates the ultimate concern towards organic growth of the Chu Yin-Yang Daoists. “Hengxian,” with its complicated and varied discourse on creation, is actually the richest and most colorful Daoist cosmology discovered so far. It fully demonstrates the open-minded worldview of the Chu Daoists. As regards Part 2, each of the three articles begins with a discourse on the origin of Dao, proceeds to a discussion of human and political affairs, and finally confirms their importance and values. This is very different from the viewpoint of the Laozi. It shows how varied the thought of Chu scholars was. With the disintegration of feudal systems during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods, as well as the confusion of name and reality, scholars rarely left the problems of name and reality untouched in their discussions. All three articles, whose discussions proceed from Dao to Nominalism, in all probability mirror the general practices of the times.
